(TurboStats provides over 25 different Metrics)
- GP: Total Games Played
- MPG: Average Minutes Played per game
USG: Usage Rate per 40 minutes = [FGA + (FTA x 0.44) + (Ast
x 0.33) + TO] x 40 /Min Played NOTE: TurboStats does not factor
(league pace)/(team pace) into USG rate. (Big3 games (FTA x
0.44) is replaced with just (FTA))
- eFG%: Effective FG% = [ (2FGM x 2 + 3FGM x 3) / 2 ] /FGA
* 100. (Big 3 adds + 4FGM x 4)
- TS%: True Shooting% = (Points/2) /(FGA + .44 x FTA)
* 100 (Big 3 replaces .44 with 1)
- Ast%: Assist Ratio = Assists / iPoss * 100
- TO%. Turnover Ratio = Turnovers / iPoss * 100
- OREB% = OReb / (actual
offensive rebound opportunities available while a player is in
the game)
- DREB% = Reb / (actual
defensive rebound opportunities available while a player is in
the game)
- NET: Normalized Efficiency Rating is the overall rating of a
player's per-minute statistical production utilizing points per possession
principles. The league average is around 75. This algorithm is currently proprietary. Contact TurboStats for licensing rights if you wish to use
NET on your site. (see
NET examples)
optional stats
- eORR: estimated Offensive Rebound Rate = OReb/(estimated OReb
Opportunities) * 100 = OReb/[(Team OReb + Opponent DReb) *
Player minutes/Team Minutes] * 100
- Eff: Efficiency Total is user customizable but set for
standard NBA (TENDIX) style. Points - FGMissed - FTMissed - TO + Ast +
Rebounds + Steal + Block
Note: Standard Tendix Efficiency (used by the NBA)
favors 2 point shooting over 3pt shooing and free throw shooting leading to
misleading conclusions.
- iPoss: Individual Possessions(Plays) = [(FGA + (FTA x 0.44) + Assists +
Note: iPoss is different than Team Possessions and is used to
track how many times a player touches the ball (Big 3 replaces
.44 with 1)