Turbo Scoreit (TM) for Windows

The fastest, easiest way to keep stats during the game on your laptop computer

TurboScore aids in the collection of data for both team. Just track your game in TurboScore exactly like you would with your scorebook. You'll never have to purchase another scorebook again.. TurboScore calculates your pitcher's stats automatically while you track the opposing teams batting and vice versa.  TurboScore also tracks hitting locations and can produce spray charts for your opponents. This greatly saves data tracking and entry time.  Import the entire game directly into TurboStats in minutes.  Prints clear, neat score sheets that look just like your scorebook. Finally - No Eraser Marks. Also makes a great scouting tool.

Available at TurboStats for $69.95 plus shipping



  • No more upload files required. TurboStats can import data directly from the TurboScore game files
  • TurboStats can automatically pick the team to upload if the team names are entered the same in TurboScore and TurboStats
  • TurboStats can import players names directly from TurboScore rosters



  • TurboStats saves the Turbo Scoreit Game file location and can load the game data just by clicking the [View] button
  • TurboStats saves the Turbo Scoreit directory path for future uploads so you don't have to hunt through the directory tree for files.


You will love the time saving improvements between the programs.

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 Click Here to Download and Try TurboScore 

How to import data from TurboScore into TurboStats