ScoreKeeper is FREE

ScoreKeeper does not require internet to score.


How to install ScoreKeeper on your Windows PC or tablet

The ScoreKeeper download link is below this video.

  1. Click on the link to download ScoreKeeper. Click Here

TIP: Right click anywhere in the ScoreKeeper app to pop-up the menu to Save or Exit ScoreKeeper.

Congratulations! You have completed the process.

IMPORTANT TIP: We recommend that you save your session frequently during a live game, preferably after every half-inning so you don't lose any data. To do this, right click or tap and hold anywhere on your TurboStats ScoreKeeper emulator screen and click "Save". Right clicking is also how you access your TurboStats ScoreKeeper menu.

If you purchased TurboStats and would like to sync your game data to your Windows PC or Tablet,  you can watch the video above, or click this link for step-by-step instructions Click Here

How To Register ScoreKeeper:

    You can use ScoreKeeper for one game before you have to enter your registration information that we will provide. To register ScoreKeeper and receive your free unlock code for unlimited games, click Register below.

We do not support customers who have not purchased a ScoreKeeper support contract.