Industry Leading Analytics Plus Imports stats from

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New TurboStats 18.3

The World's Most Advanced Baseball/Softball Software

Team Form

Create an unlimited number of teams. Store contact information for each player. Import career stats for each player. Learn More

Create Lineup Cards

Drag and drop players onto the field. Move players to any position in the lineup card. Customize your lineups for each inning. Learn More

Game Form

Enter game data from your scorebook in minutes or import over 300 stats from our ScoreKeeper app. Also imports statistics from iScore, GameChanger or any application that creates a MaxPreps output file. Learn More


Customize your stat reports exactly how you want them. Turn statistics on/off and set the stat order. Learn More


Scout your opponent's "hit-to" locations and optionally chart pitch types and pitch location. Learn More

Situation Editor

Select from over 300 game situations. Customize each situation based on your defensive plan. Simply drag players to their final locations and TurboStats automatically draws the lines and arrows for you. Press animate to see your plays come to life.


Score live and sync your ScoreKeeper with TurboScout during the game to view batting & pitching breakdowns instantly

Create Batter vs. Pitcher Reports. View outcomes by Pitch Location vs Type of Pitch Thrown for any combination of games

Create Pitcher vs. Batter Reports

View Righty vs. Lefty or Individual Player breakdowns for Batting and Pitching

View Righty vs. Lefty or Individual Player breakdowns for Batting and Pitching

View Pitch Types by Count: Ahead, Behind, Even (sample)

View Pitch Types by Count: Ahead, Behind, Even

View Graphical Charts of Pitch Types by Count: Ahead, Behind, Even for better visualization


Viewable on any device.

Baseball/Softball Stat Reports Sofware App

Create a dashboard where coaches, players or fans can stay up to date with the latest news, schedule, team stats and leaders. Easily embed Twitter and Facebook feeds.

Baseball/Softball Metrics Reports Software App

Post your team roster with player photos.

Baseball/Softball Player Stat Reports Program

Upload your schedule, post game scores, and video links.

Baseball/Softball Player Stat Reports Program

Press the play icon to watch game videos from your free YouTube site.

Baseball/Softball Team Stat Reports Software App

Update team stat totals for each game and sort by any category.

Baseball/Softball Career Stat Reports Software App

Custom player stat page with optional password protection.

Baseball/Softball Career Stat Reports Software App

Import stats using ScoreKeeper, iScore and GameChanger to create professional custom boxscores with one click.


More TurboStats 18.3

Free ScoreKeeper App! Score on Windows & Android Devices.

Select your ScoreKeeper operating system

Why ScoreKeeper

It's so easy to use yet capable of so much.
Score in half the taps of other apps.
No internet required.
It's simply better.
And it's free.
Learn More

Try It for Android

ScoreKeeper &TurboStats 18.0

Have all your software on one device.
Score in half the taps of other apps.
No internet required.
It's simply better.
Learn More About ScoreKeeper

Try It for Windows

Have an older Version?

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Our Plans

All plans include:

  • Track over 100 stats per player
  • Makes HTML Web Pages
  • Post team stat pages
  • TurboDrive Cloud data sharing for one team
  • One team website
  • Technical support
  • Subscribe
  • Tablets


Subscription Plans are renewed yearly. Free upgrades and 1 new license are included with each renewal. (Recommended plan if your device is a school device and is reimaged each year)

*A license is one install on 1 PC or 1 tablet.


$39 / YR
1 License


Base Features Plus:

Enter data after the game from scorebook

Tracks batting statistics

Create player, team, conference, non-conference and career Reports

Leader reports

Import box scores from iScore and GameChanger apps (apps sold separately).

Import game box scores from MaxPreps and export stats to MaxPreps.

*Does not support live game scoring


$59 / YR
1 License


Basic Features Plus:

Works with ScoreKeeper App or enter from scorebook

Tracks pitching & fielding Stats

Career stats and team records.

View player trends and three game averages

Create and print custom lineup cards

Create and print blank scorebook pages

Create and print computerized batting orders

Create, view, and print spray charts

Enter spray charts

Print inning by inning fielding lineups

*No Internet required to live score

Add 2nd License for $30

Additional Features with ScoreKeeper App

Additional Features with ScoreKeeper App

Print completed scorebook pages

Print box score

Create box score web page

Create play-by-play web page

Show pitching history

International tiebreaker

Mercy Rule

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$79 / YR
1 License


Complete Features Plus:

Batting stats vs. righty/lefty pitchers

Pitching stats vs. righty/lefty batters

Fielding by position

Batting stats by count

Animated situational diagramming

Import all game files from ScoreKeeper app.

League scheduler

Practice planner

Print play-by-play

Add 2nd License for $40

Additional Features with ScoreKeeper App

Additional Features with ScoreKeeper App

Print completed scorebook pages

Print box score

Create box score web page

Create play-by-play web page

Show pitching history

International tiebreaker

Mercy Rule

Show Less

ProSeries & Scout

$125 / YR
1 License


ProSeries Features Plus:

features with scorekeeper app

Scout your opponents using ScoreKeeper app

Create player vs. player reports

Create batter vs. pitcher reports

Create pitcher vs. batter reports

Show pitch types by count

Create detailed pitching or hitting reports

NCAA box scores for both teams

Automatic player faced data collection

Pitch-by-pitch history

Spray charts for any single game or combination of games

Add 2nd License for $75


Lifetime Plans are one time purchase plans without cloud drive support or free updates. Upgrades are not included and are sold separately. Licenses do not get renewed and are final.

*A license is one install on 1 PC or 1 tablet.


1 License


Base Features Plus:

Enter data after the game from scorebook

Tracks batting statistics

Create player, team, conference, non-conference and career Reports

Leader reports

Import box scores from iScore and GameChanger apps (apps sold separately).

Import game box scores from MaxPreps and export stats to MaxPreps.

*Does not support live game scoring

Add 2nd License for $25


1 License


Basic Features Plus:

Works with ScoreKeeper App or enter from scorebook

Tracks pitching & fielding Stats

Career stats and team records.

View player trends and three game averages

Create and print custom lineup cards

Create and print blank scorebook pages

Create and print computerized batting orders

Create, view, and print spray charts

Enter spray charts

Print inning by inning fielding lineups

*No Internet required to live score

Add 2nd License for $35

Additional Features with ScoreKeeper App

Additional Features with ScoreKeeper App

Print completed scorebook pages

Print box score

Create box score web page

Create play-by-play web page

Show pitching history

International tiebreaker

Mercy Rule

Show Less


1 License


Complete Features Plus:

Batting stats vs. righty/lefty pitchers

Pitching stats vs. righty/lefty batters

Fielding by position

Batting stats by count

Animated situational diagramming

Import all game files from ScoreKeeper app.

League scheduler

Practice planner

Print play-by-play

Add 2nd License for $50

Additional Features with ScoreKeeper App

Additional Features with ScoreKeeper App

Print completed scorebook pages

Print box score

Create box score web page

Create play-by-play web page

Show pitching history

International tiebreaker

Mercy Rule

Show Less

ProSeries & Scout

1 License


ProSeries Features Plus:

features with scorekeeper app

Scout your opponents using ScoreKeeper app

Create player vs. player reports

Create batter vs. pitcher reports

Create pitcher vs. batter reports

Show pitch types by count

Create detailed pitching or hitting reports

NCAA box scores for both teams

Automatic player faced data collection

Pitch-by-pitch history

Spray charts for any single game or combination of games

Add 2nd License for $75

Tablet Deals

TurboStats runs on any Windows tablet, PC or laptop. Below are some low cost tablets that we've tested and recommend. Tablets come preinstalled with TurboStats and Windows 11.

TurboStats for baseball on Surface Go Tablet
Buy Now
TurboStats for baseball on AI Book Tablet
Buy Now
Best baseball Stat Program
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Best baseball Stat Program
Buy Now

Prices listed in USD
Prices subject to change

TurboDrive Cloud

Back up, share, and post team websites with one click.

Learn More

Running a league or tournament?

TurboStats is more than just great statistics. Our new dashboard can create professional websites for any sport with a score ticker, schedules, rosters, standings, stats, leaderboards, newsfeed, career stats, player trades and more!